Sunday, September 27, 2015

A Love Affair with Tropical Summer Fruits

photo by Jennetta Younge 2015

For a few weeks in Summer, I am like hibernating Bears, who gorge on fruits and berries to fatten up for their Winter sleep. The problem is, I am not trying to gain any extra inches.  You see, this is the time of year when imported dry tamarinds are in the supermarket, and the best mangoes are piled high in the fruit-stands.

Growing up in the Caribbean, tamarinds were my afternoon snack on the way home from school. Tamarinds were the cheapest snack for poor people on our small Caribbean Island. On my island, tamarind trees grow wild like pine trees. If they weren’t cut down for firewood, they matured into huge, fruit-bearing trees.  

The Colonial rulers discovered another use for tamarind.  I helped my Mom collect sacks of dried tamarinds when they were in season. My mother would have us shell them with the warning not to eat them. As quickly as she could turn her head, however, one would find its’ way to my mouth.

The majority, however, were sold to the government and exported to England, where they were manufactured into soap, and condiments. It took several sacks of tamarinds to produce twenty pounds at tuppence, or two pence, per pound. In today’s world, it sounds like a pittance, but when people were paid two shillings and sixpence for a week of hard labor, that sum was like a windfall.

My love affair and appetite for mangoes is another story. Unfortunately, I grew up in the region of my island where mangoes grow didn’t grow abundantly. When my mother could afford to buy them, it was one mango shared between three siblings.

Now you understand my weakness for mangoes and tamarinds, I hope this video will entice your taste-buds to try my favorite tropical fruits.

Do you have any favorite Summer fruits that you can recommend? Be sure to share them in the comments below, and connect with me on social media.

About me.

copyright 2015 Jennetta Younge

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Beware of the Pirates!

This was not actually meant to be my first blog post. Although we'd already started posting in my blog on Goodreads, my daughter and I have been agonizing for months about what exactly we should post here, and when we should start.

It has been daunting enough to be a first-time author, but then to face the annoying reality of having your work misappropriated and pirated - but that is exactly what has happened!

Gone are the days when only famous authors had to worry about their works being pirated. I've read an interesting article today by award-winning author, Nicholas C. Rossis on the very subject. Indie Authors are finding themselves on the other end of the pirates' scopes, as they seek new content to bend to their fiendish will.

We made some quick research today online that we are putting into action. Step one involves informing all of you about these potentially malicious and fraudulent websites on a public website that appears in a Google search.

So here are the websites which have raised our suspicions so far, as they have not been authorized by me or my publisher to distribute my book in any form. In addition, they may contain malicious programs with computer viruses:

WARNING! DO NOT VISIT THOSE LINKS, as I can not guarantee the safety of those sites.

We are in the process of reporting them to appropriate organizations and, if necessary, authorities.

You can still purchase our book safely directly from our publisher on Friesen Press. There are many other legitimate websites selling our book in hard copy and e-book format, including Amazon and GooglePlay. In fact, here are some of our Five-Star Amazon Reviews!

If you see any other sites using the language "free" or "give-away" in relation to my book without any connection to myself or my publisher, or that looks suspicious, please use the comments below to bring it to our attention. 

We appreciate your help in keeping our readers and customers safe from nasty pirates! Thank you!


"Har! How to Deal with Book Piracy" (Nicholas C. Rossis, July 26, 2015)

"Tell Google About Scam Rip Off Sites?" (

copyright 2015 Jennetta Younge