Friday, November 25, 2016

What's next?

Can you believe Thanksgiving is over?
All the people who looked forward to this break from their daily routine are either back at work, or are braving the long lines in search of bargains.
Personally, I do not enjoy waiting in lines, especially when I cannot see what is ahead of me. I like to stay at home to recuperate from preparing my idea of an "all-American" Thanksgiving Meal. My family is small, so I do not worry about roasting a giant turkey with all the trimmings. Yet I will relent - and buy the smallest Organic Turkey. Then I will bake my favorite holiday dessert: Pumpkin Pie. Although the North American pumpkins are not as sweet as those grown in the Caribbean, I can't resist the delicate taste of this baked treat.
But my most cherished taste of all is for shopping - I love hunting for bargains all year long. My favorite items? Clothes! And the manufacturers and Advertisers are happy to oblige by tantalizing us with their products for "Black-Friday" and "Cyber-Monday."
I hope however you have spent your Thanksgiving Day, that you are enjoying the moment. Safe shopping!

copyright 2016 Jennetta Younge